Another Airport Again

Airport TaxiI am taking another of my trips to Helsinki for work. Today I took the later flight and I have to say that I am happy to have flown British Airways. I find there’s something reassuring about flying with British Airways (but don’t ask me what). The woman sat in front of me was sporting a pink cowboy hat for some reason (it was remarkably similar to these I found on Flickr) but I don’t think the warm and comfy feeling came from that.

Given the late hour of our arrival I imagine the cabin crew were spending the night in Helsinki too. Only on British Airways would you see them carrying a proper pint of milk with them. I can only dream of arriving at the hotel and making myself a decent cuppa!

The flight was uneventful. Solitaire managed to send me to sleep which was a good job as I had forgotten the headphones for my Treo and couldn’t listen to the many podcast delights I take on my travels. Note to self: buy a spare set of headphones.

And so to the hotel where I was upgraded to a superior room. I think that means the desk on which you can place your laptop is on the other side of the room rather than right by the bed. That means, as I type this, I am straining to watch the television which is – handily – right across the room. Still, there was an old Starsky & Hutch and an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents to entertain me as I fall asleep. Which is exactly where I am heading now.

On this day…

2002: Seven Wonders
2002: What’s A Boy To Think?

All Change

Sometimes, an old friend will have a haircut and you’ll not notice. Sometimes, they’ll come back from the salon and you’ll love it. Well, has had a make-over and I really like. I’ve been reading it for so long it feels a bit like an old friend by now. Wonderful. Perhaps, it’s time to get some colour around here: Red With Envy.

On this day…

2003: We Love Pizza
2002: Music on the Move
2002: They Go Quite Fast

Here Comes Zune

According to Engadget, Microsoft’s rumoured music player, Zune, “will not be PlaysForSure compliant, meaning you will not be able to use your Zune player with Napster or Vongo, for example. This will be an entirely new system. Microsoft will continue to support and develop for their PlaysForSure initiative, but all things PlaysForSure are handled by two entirely separate division that will not have any crossover”.

So yet again we have another music format from Microsoft. This is the problem with everything they have ever done in this space: the formats and constantly changing. Although I am going to wait to see this device I am guessing that the continued confusion for Microsoft, the public and suppliers will be driving more people to Apple this Christmas. I could be one of them.

On this day…

2005: Coming Soon To A Browser Near You
2002: All For A New Pair of Shoes

Changing The Face of Pop

Justin TimberlakeAccording to Yahoo, Justin Timberlake wants new sound to change pop and push the boundaries of music with a new album, “FutureSex/LoveSounds”, that marks a departure from his earlier chart-topping style, he said on Friday. I guess all this promotion for his new album is the reason his Man of the Moment page is getting more traffic!

On this day…

2005: Trafalgar Square Vigil
2003: A 4 Minute Warning
2002: Spending Money At Last

Bye Bye Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo MontoyaTeam McLaren Mercedes and Juan Pablo Montoya have mutually agreed for him to step down in the forthcoming races of this year’s Formula 1 World Championship. The team has decided that Pedro de la Rosa will join Kimi Raikkonen in the race driver line-up.

On this day…

2006: And We’re Back
2005: Yummy
2004: My Data
2002: I Like Yahoo!

And We’re Back

Yes indeed. Here I am again after a short time away. And I am back with this piece of news and information from The Guardian. Speed Cameras are ‘costing the UK £109m a year while bringing in £120m a year in fines’.

And that’s a lot less than I thought.

On this day…

2006: Bye Bye Juan Pablo
2005: Yummy
2004: My Data
2002: I Like Yahoo!

Spy Versus Spy

Today’s Londonist has a fab picture Spy Versus Spy. I was going to write something about being a spy but, for some reason, I don’t really have the heart today. Not that I am a spy, you understand. And if I was I wouldn’t be able to tell you, would I? Over the past thirteen years I have passed the MI6 building at Vauxhall (this one) almost daily. You probably can’t tell people is actually there – or does open Government allow that these days? Anyway, I must have imagined what it’s like to be a some kind of Bond-like individual at some point. Now I know that I must visit South Audley Street to make my dream come true. Of course, Bond wouldn’t rant pointlessly like this. He probably would have blown something up with a missile hidden in a banana instead.

On this day…

2005: Somewhere, Someday, Somebody, Somehow
2003: The Boys of Summer
2003: Good Friday