Category Archives: On The Web

All Change

Jase has changed his site (and seems to have moved his RSS feed). It’s a great new look but I hope this change of focus doesn’t stop him posting!

There’s so much I would like to do on this site right now: so much to write and a few design changes I would like to make. When am I going to find the time to keep up?

I did notice that Gillian McKeith has a new recipe book out and I am so tempted!! Despite the fact that I could never stick to her diet I do love her tv show. I’d love to spend a day with her!

On this day…

2004: Do I Need Another Suitcase
2004: Unexpected Saturday Racing
2003: Referral Check

Daily Links

On this day…

2005: For The Love Of London
2003: Hooked on LBC
2003: In News
2003: Low Low Cost

links for 2005-01-12

On this day…

2006: links for 2006-01-12
2005: Garden State
2004: Hiddent Stuff
2004: Make Me Write
2003: Entitlement Cards

Links Of The Day – 11 Jan 2005

On this day…

2004: Wigan Man with Knighthood

Links Of The Day

On this day…

2006: Coffee To Get Me Going
2005: Now We Know
2003: Chicago
2003: The Grand Old Duke

Oh the fun I’m having…

Interesting to note that Tom has left his tax return until this point in time. I don’t know him or anything about him – other than what he writes on his site – but I know what he must be feeling right now: where on earth did I put that certificate of tax deduction from my bank. Why do I leave it until so late in the day to do my taxes!!

On this day…

2006: Our Masks
2005: All Change At Capital
2005: Civil Partnership: Update From Scotland
2004: Gary Lucy’s Birthday
2003: Pop TV
2003: Linguistic Sensitivity

I Found Some Of Your Life

Alright, it might be months old but I never mentioned it!

I Found Some Of Your Life: In my possession is one memory card from a digital camera. This memory card was found in a taxi in New York City. I have no idea who the owner of the camera is.

Fascinating and slightly scary, don’t you think but interesting nonetheless. One of the more interesting possibilities resulting from the rise of digital photographs [via Photo Matt].

Maybe Hewlett-Packard’s “privacy protection system” for cameras would have been useful [via Tom].

On this day…

2005: Civil Partnership: Westminster City Council Survey
2003: Snow is Oslo?
2003: Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2004

I trust all my American friends and colleagues enjoyed their Thanksgiving. In previous years I have looked at what Thanksgiving really is all about (see here) but this year I thought I would look how you were all celebrating by checking the Flickr tags. All the tags representing Thanksgiving seem to be about food or family – which I think seems like a pretty good notion to me.

On this day…

2005: Civil Partnership: Elton To Marry
2004: Does Remote Storage Work
2003: At A Newsagent Near You