Category Archives: On The Web

God Is Bored Of You


God Is Bored Of You, originally uploaded by Tom Coates.

We all see the world in different ways but it amazes me that some people remember to capture it. I think this picture that Tom posted at the weekend is superb.

And while I am on the subject of capturing things, I must note a piece of news that I missed yesterday: The BBC intends to bring back the 1990s drama This Life for a 10th anniversary special next year [source]. This is fantastic news although I have had the This Life videos sat on my shelf for ten years and not watched them at all. Still, I’ll be watching whatever appears next year.

On this day…

2005: Fleet Street editors Back the Bid
2005: Countdown is Progressing
2005: Powered By Rotting Fruit
2002: Did They Make It Up?
2002: It’s All Queens on 4th July!
2002: Amazon A-Go-Go
2002: Finally – CSS


Continuing coverage while I have been away of Zach’s story (here or here for example) (previously mentioned here) but I do wonder what life will be like for him when he gets home. I have no idea what his whole experience will be like for him but there’s plenty of publicity surrounding what’s been going on that he’s had no say in. Most people who blog only imagine that a few people are reading their words. I wonder …

On this day…

No other posts on this day.

links for 2005-06-22

On this day…

2005: You Make Me Sweat
2004: Online Customer Service Ratings
2002: Shopping Madness


photo originally uploaded by Blaise K ( no longer available.

Sitting in the sun this afternoon looking at some of my pictures on flickr I decided to do some random searches of the images stored over there. This one – a busy NYC bar at night – seems so far away from where I am right now and yet strangely uplifting.

On this day…

2005: Summertime In London
2004: A Little Update
2003: Formula One 2003 Race Calendar
2003: London’s Secret Railway
2002: Rod Stewart plays Glastonbury
2002: Paris in the Summer

links for 2005-06-18

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

On this day…

2004: Just Some Things

links for 2005-06-17

I’ll start. Third grade talent show. I must have been eight. Me, in a blonde wig and white dress that I found on the bottom of a neighbor’s closet, looking like I mixed up the instructions by brushing the dress and ironing the wig.

The DangerMouse episodes we have all come to know and love first aired in 1981. Since then it has built an audience over 6 Million strong! And for 2 years beginning in June of 1984, he started entertaining millions more in the US on the Nickelodeon channel in the afternoons where almost overnight he shot into their highest ratings.

On this day…

2005: Mr and Mrs Smith
2004: Football Crazy

links for 2005-04-23

On this day…

2004: Join Me In The Bath?
2003: Oslo, Norway