Category Archives: Life Rants Updates

Well Thank Goodness

Congestion will continue to worsen, train passenger growth is running at only one tenth of the target rate, and rail punctuality has fallen [BBC News]

Well thank goodness we’re behind target. You couldn’t get any more people on my train in a morning. Can you imagine another 10%?

On this day…

2005: The Mood Of London Changes
2005: Silverstone, Here I Come
2005: On A Lighter Note
2002: “Vent Your Pure Male Macho Juice”

He Know Where They Are

Who knows if any documents were ever sexed up by anybody. Still, it seems that – at this very moment – Tony Blair is unable to show where Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction are. I suggest he speaks with US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld who, on March 30 2003, in statements to the press said:

We know where [Iraq’s WMD] are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat. [via AlterNet]

Oh, one year ago: Last Weekend in June

On this day…

2005: Keep On Rolling
2002: Last Weekend in June

Call God Now

A man from Greater Manchester has been inundated with phone calls from people mistaking him for God.

Ah, I’ve always wondered who had the hotline to God and it turns out that it’s a man in Salford: Man ‘shares God’s phone number’

A man from Greater Manchester has been inundated with phone calls from people mistaking him for God

On this day…

2005: On Writing Employment References …

Turn Off That Alarm

I can always tell that it is summer. This is nothing to do with the temperature, sunshine or brown patches on my lawn. No, it’s because I have to leave my window ajar at night. And, invariably, because I have broken the lovely double-glazed seal I will be awoken to the sound of bins being emptied or taxis coming to whisk people off on their holidays. These are the sounds of summer and should not be complained about. However, I am now also awoken by the sound of a car alarm. This particular alarm seems to have gone off several times in the last week. It will wake me up with its noise, then it will sleep. As soon as I think it’s finished it will start again. Unfortunately, this will go on for hours and hours through the night. It goes on so much that I am surprised that nobody has put a brick through the window of the car. I don’t know which car it is for I have no desire to wander around looking at parked cars at 4am but it’s out there and if it’s yours please, please, please get it fixed. I would wholeheartedly support the banning of car alarms. In fact we should start a campaign just like those New Yorkers who have been affected by this problem.

On this day…

2005: Blimey! It’s Early!
2004: We Wuz Robbed
2004: Come on Eng-er-land

US to extradite whoever they want, for any reason.

When are we – ever – in this country going to stand up for our rights? I hadn’t realised we’d become a state – I forgot to make my pledge to the flag this morning.

Just because we had democracy first doesn’t mean that we should be the first to give it up. What’s happening to this land?

politX: US to extradite whoever they want, for any reason:

No longer will American prosecutors have to show there are reasonable gounds [sic] to believe someone has committed an offence before they can be extradited, and what’s more it’s retrospective – so the US could reactivate extradition requests already turned down by the British courts AND this is only in America’s favour. To top it off, the treaty can be enforced without going through parliament once the extradition bill receives the Royal Assent.

Newsnight on BBC2 tonight.

UPDATE: OK, a little update. There may be some ability to call on the UK courts and it may still have to be ratified by parliament. However, the basic issue seems to stand. To be extradited from the US you must have evidence and you must present it in the US. That won’t be the case in the UK. One rule for them …?

On this day…

2005: Beach Boy Becks
2003: Archbishop Has No Objection To Gay Bishop

Formula One 2003 Race Calendar

I have been searching for a downloadable version of the Formula One races this year. All I wanted to do was get the basic race dates into my calendar. Could I find it anywhere? No. It seems that nobody has made this available. If you use Yahoo calendar, you can insert the individual races into that from the Yahoo F1 site, but that’s not much good to me as I am using Outlook which synchronises with my Palm. I would have thought that somebody would have done the vCal thing for all Formula One races but I couldn’t find it anywhere.

So, I have created a .csv file which nicely imports into Outlook (because I didn’t have time to learn the vCal format). I might update it at some point. If you want to import F1 races into your Outlook calendar, please feel free to use the file. I took the dates and times from the FIA site.

The times in the file are, according to the FIA version, GMT. I’m not sure if the times are correct because the summer races are listed with GMT times seem to be the BST times. So you may be an hour out.

In Outlook, you will need to go to the File menu and Import the data (import from another program or file) and place it in the calendar. The file is provided as is and you use it at your own risk. I don’t know anyway you can remove it without deleting each entry individually.

For those of you interested, here are the remaining races for the 2003 Formula One race season:

  • 29 June – Nürburgring (Europe)
  • 06 July – Magny-Cours (France)
  • 20 July – Silverstone (England)
  • 03 August – Hockenheim (Germany)
  • 24 August – Hungaroring (Hungary)
  • 14 September – Monza (Italy)
  • 28 September – Indianapolis (USA)
  • 12 October – Suzuka (Japan)

On this day…

2005: Nightlfe
2005: Summertime In London
2004: A Little Update
2003: London’s Secret Railway
2002: Rod Stewart plays Glastonbury
2002: Paris in the Summer

Employment Law: Update

Last Week I noted that a parliamentary committee was reviewing the new employment law that attempts to give gay and lesbians some protection against being dismissed from their job on grounds of sexuality. Some religious groups were to be made exempt from this.

I have struggled to fid some update on this on the web but have, at last discovered that this is due to the fact the committee is not reporting until Friday. However, reports

While the nature of the “technical flaws” has not yet been announced, the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association (GALHA) says they are hopeful that it is a sign the religious exemptions, which go beyond the original European Directive on which the regulations were based, could be removed.

All of which, I hope, is good news.

On this day…

2003: Leave Fed Alone
2002: Welcome to Musak

Cabin Boy

I thought it was all a lie about cute cabin crew boyz until tonight’s BA769 from Oslo to Heathrow and the lovely David (bleach blond boy babe). Agghh …

I am now intrigued though. David was ‘cabin crew’ and the other guy was a ‘steward’. What’s the difference – it doesn’t really say over at BA.

On this day…

No other posts on this day.

We all love Dermot

Dermot Lokoing GoodA good number of the recent visitors to this site couldn’t care less about what I say. They are coming here because I made Dermot O’Leary Man of the Moment back in July 2002. Now he’s back hosting some of the Big Brother coverage his popularity is on the up again. So I added some new pictures. Sadly, I don’t have any of him from the television last night. Those shorts …

On this day…

2004: The Day After Tomorrow
2003: Just In Time
2003: Last Night