Category Archives: Life Rants Updates

Five Live and Weblogs

Well, Tom’s just been on BBC Radio Five Live (and he has something of a sexy tone to his voice) talking about weblogs. It’s interesting to see weblogs being discussed by more and more media which will hopefully bring them to the attention of more and more people and that can only be a good thing for personal publishing.

On this day…

2006: Dropped at 0815
2006: A Glass Pyramid
2004: Doesn’t Time Fly?
2003: Things To Say
2002: To Some People Enola Gay is Just a Pop Song

Ciao Is The New Hi


Of course language is constantly changing. I do like the survey from MSN which suggests that the words hello and goodbye may be obsolete in a generation. This is the wonderful power of language – it can’t be controlled and it’s constantly being reinvented. I am waiting for the backlash that talks about standards falling for lo, it is sure to come.

So, hello, hello, hello. Goodbye.


On this day…

2006: Thinking About Time
2002: Baby News

Business Like Apples

I am always impressed by the passionate users Apple Computers throw up. Whenever I work with a Mac user they are always 100% committed to the operating system and everything Mac – to the extent many of them will use personal machines in the office if they have been forced to sit at a Windows box all day long (amusingly, Tom has to get used to an office-based Windows machine – an entry I read immediately before I opened this Windows alert). It really is interesting because with large number of ambassadors why isn’t Apple the biggest supplier of office-based/home-based computing power?

I’m constantly tempted but never have the nerve to jump into the great lake Mac. I was once a Systems Administrator who suffered trying to network a Mac with a group of PCs and a whole stack of Solaris and Linux systems but I accept that was years ago and probably a result of my own failings rather than anything to do with the machine. What is it that is stopping me? I wish I could put my finger on it.

There aren’t many companies that have this level of loyalty and you rarely read about a Microsoft user that has such passion – although there must be some (Americans put Microsoft at number 5 in the best of brands league). I used to be passionate about my trusty Palm Vx machine but now see it purely as a tool (maybe I’ll get excited again if I ever get the cash together for a Tungsten). Perhaps the toning down of my Palm evangelism is more to do with the fact that the PDA concept is now more widely accepted and I don’t have to convert people the way I used to.

Still, there must be lessons to learn from Apple if you’re in the business of inspiring customer loyalty and building a brand. What they are, I’m not sure, but I wish I could bottle it.

On this day…

2004: It’s Getting Warm In London
2003: Dannii Minogue ‘invents new dance’
2002: Ministry of Truth

Another Russian Birthday

Another year has passed and it’s my Dad’s birthday again. Last year he was somewhere in Russia – actually he’s in Astana which I know isn’t Russia – and I was asking if anybody knew Happy Birthday in Russian.

Well, this, apparently, is it (although clearly it could say anything):

Apparently this text says Happy Birthday in Russian

So, for next year I just need the sound file. How do you actually say that?

On this day…

2007: Read The Manual
2005: My Idea Changed
2004: Administrative Apologies
2003: Buffalo Soldiers
2003: Not Another Teen Movie
2002: How do you say Happy Birthday in Russian?
2002: Marry Me

Home again

I have been North – both for pleasure and business – which was an enjoyable break from London. On my travels I took in a great restaurant in Halifax, The Lowry at Salford Quays and the countryside around Burnley. Sometimes, it’s a shame you have to come home. I may post pictures soon.

So, what have I missed? Well, to be honest, not a great deal thanks to the wonders of Google News and the advanced search feature (how did I miss that before?). I was able to keep in touch thanks to the blog aggregator service at Bloglines – which I can’t help but recommend to all. I also managed to buy a walking hand (which pleased me greatly) and solved a birthday present problem. And, before I forget, Jason Kottke came up with another entry that deserves a link (Another? It’s the second I’ve linked in as many weeks).

On a more serious note, I paused in my ranting about Blood on Blair’s hands after reading a very considered piece by David Aaronovitch in Tuesday’s Guardian:

Perhaps their authors would like to speculate on the other 4,500 people who committed suicide in England last year, and who – exactly – drove them to it. It might help the coroners

[Source: Why suicide? Only one person knows, The Guardian]

I was irritated by Peter Cuthbertson’s piece on Michael Moore – who I do believe does some good work – but, after consideration, accepted that Michael Moore is not only an astute political commentator but also in the business of selling books and TV shows. Therefore, I concede, he may be prone to some exaggeration for effect on occasions. I don’t think what Peter has written (or quoted) really proved that anything was fabricated in Stupid White Men or, my personal favourite of Moore’s work, Bowling for Columbine. Of course I only read Cuthbertson’s Conservative Commentary to be irritated so I’m not sure why I was surprised.

Cuthbertson also pointed me to a piece at National Review Online about gay marriage – which I feel compelled to comment on, but not now.

On this day…

2005: Button On The Podium
2002: City Hall

A 4 Minute Warning

Since I opened comments on the Man of the Moment section I have been wondering about their validity. Not that there is anything wrong with fellow fans declaring undying love for Dermot O’Leary, Mark Owen or Justin Timberlake. I had hoped, however,Mark Owen 4 Minute Warning there may also be some useful fan information that comes from opening the comments up.

I was, therefore, delighted to see the recent increase in activity on the ex-Take That member and Celebrity Big Brother winner Mark Owen’s page. It is through the comments on that section that I know Mark’s new single Four Minute Warning is out soon (in fact on 4 August 2003 for those that may have an interest in such things).

So, on the back of all this comment I ventured across to the Official Mark Owen site – where I was pleased to see there has been a major re-design and the announcement Mark will be playing the G.A.Y. club on 2nd August (why is it that anytime I want to see a band there I am always doing something else?).

Anyway, it’s very good to see that the single, Four Minute Warning, picks up where the album Green Man left off. It’s fashionable to knock the solo efforts of ex-boy band members but Green Man was a superb album. The teen music-press seemed to dismiss it as the more indie/rock sound was not quite so fashionable then amongst their market and the adult music journalists dismissed it because Mark was an ex-boy band singer. I still believe they were wrong and it sounds like the new single is very much in the same vein – perhaps a little more rounded and mature but a natural progression nonetheless.

Picture from the Official Mark Owen Site.

On this day…

2006: Changing The Face of Pop
2005: Trafalgar Square Vigil
2002: Spending Money At Last

1789 And All That

And before I forget, in 1789 the French stormed the Bastille an event which started the French Revolution and lead to the formation of modern French democracy. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to visit the Bastille on my trip but I think we should be celebrating with the French today. Happy holidays.

On this day…

2005: Two Minutes Silence
2003: Wind Power
2003: Power of the Idea
2002: Number One
2002: Ask Homer (and remember HotWired)

Wind Power

It must be good news that the UK has announced the extra investment in wind-power across the country and, typically, the BBC has a useful graphic to show me how it all works. The BBC also has the full story of the UK’s expansion plans for offshore wind-generated electricity.

On this day…

2005: Two Minutes Silence
2003: 1789 And All That
2003: Power of the Idea
2002: Number One
2002: Ask Homer (and remember HotWired)