Yearly Archives: 2006

It’s Nearly Australia Day In W1

Australia DayWhat fun. Walking round central London this morning I see that we are getting into the spirit of Australia Day too – although The Glassblower is off by 24 hours and probably the same number of degrees colder.

From Flickr: Today is the day all Australian’s celebrate ‘what’s great‘ about their country: Australia Day. Central London appears to be celebrating tomorrow. Shame it won’t be the as warm with an ‘Aussie BBQ’ on the beach. Now, if Gordon Brown gets his way, can I be in Sydney when they celebrate British Day?

So, who’s going to be the Home & Away special appearance?

On this day…

2005: Google Usenet Timelime
2003: Tube Train Crashes

Pants To That

calvins shotNo, no, no. I am not turning this site into one of those sites. Still, I want this story to be true because it amuses me. Teentoday – the uk’s best teen site (probably) – reports that ‘David Beckham spends a staggering £1,000 a month – on pants. The soccer ace allegedly splashes out hundreds of pounds on underwear every fortnight because he never wears the same pair twice’. Honestly, they’re saying it here. Really.

On this day…

2004: A User Experience

Brokeback Mountain

Brokeback Mountain Movie Poster
Brokeback Mountain

When other people write things better than you should you not write about them? Should you give up altogether, or should you plough on, regardless? And if this is your only dilemma very late on a Saturday night then should you worry about it at all, and shouldn’t you go to bed?

This is the position I find myself in after having returned from seeing Brokeback MountainTom wrote about it very well yesterday, and let’s face it, approximately half the known world has an opinion on it (that’s a scientific fact, honestly, it is).

Suffice to say that it’s a marvellous film and you should go and see it at once.

On this day…

2006: Gotta Go Back In Time
2005: 2004 In 100 Pictures
2004: Hello Dermot and Mark Fans
2004: Oops, She Did It
2003: Jeremy Vine
2003: Poison Find
2003: A Blog?

Gotta Go Back In Time

I’ve said before how much I love the ‘on this day’ links on my site. They remind me of things that I had forgotten. Take yesterday’s link which sent me back two years to 2004 when I discussed the idea of civil partnerships. Well, by the end of 2005 they were a reality in the UK. Really, I’m tracking history aren’t I?

On this day…

2006: Brokeback Mountain
2005: 2004 In 100 Pictures
2004: Hello Dermot and Mark Fans
2004: Oops, She Did It
2003: Jeremy Vine
2003: Poison Find
2003: A Blog?

Who Are You?

They call it Celebrity Big Brother‘. I want to start a new game today. Can you actually spot the celebrity in the show? I see there’s a lot of people who would quite like to be a celebrity but I haven’t spotted a real one yet. Apparently, they can be quite shy and you have to look really hard. If you see one then please don’t hesitate to let me know. Seriously, we all like to moan that a show like this is full of people we have never heard of but often we don’t really mean that. Now, I am addicted to TV trash as much as the next person, and I still think this is one of the most poor showings ever. Thus, I imagine, it will be a huge hit and they’ll all be signed up for a season of commercials, talkshows and pantomimes before January’s finished.

Still, Preston might be worth watching.

On this day…

2004: Same Sex Partnerships in 2004
2003: LBC Back On Air

Starting Again

Apparently there’s a series of Big Brother – the one with some celebrities – starting this evening. Unless there’s somebody very interesting on the show I won’t be watching it but I do know y’all will be heading over the Man of The Moment section to check out who’s saying what about everybody’s BB fave, Dermot O’Leary. According to something I read, his show is moving to the mornings. My morning’s are so rushed as I gear up into the day that it’s unlikely that I’ll see any of it.

On this day…

2003: Bowling for Columbine

Coffee To Get Me Going

I’ve thought a little more about yesterday’s post. Why do my great ideas for a more efficient me fail? The first reason, of course, is because I have more work crossing my desk than I can do in a working day. I am not alone in this and it’s something that I shouldn’t get too stressed about. The second, is more personal. I am not great in the mornings. I need my porridge and my coffee to get me going. That slow winding up into the day is not conducive to kicking the day of in an organised manner. I get to the work later but then it’s busier with ‘phone calls and more emails so the day is much more of a juggling act. I’ve got to work on that first half hour of the day. If I could set the day up differently it might be an easier day.

On this day…

2005: Links Of The Day
2005: Now We Know
2003: Chicago
2003: The Grand Old Duke

High Expectations

What is it about going back to work after a new year break? Today, I walked in with great ideas. I will be more organised and, therefore, more efficient. Of course, that’s going to make my life easier and work more enjoyable. That way my life will be easier and stress free. By the end of the day, I was drowning under a a mountain of emails and it didn’t feel any different to the last week of 2005. Why did I ever imagine that it would? It’s not that I don’t like my work – I do – but I set myself such high goals that I tend to break them easily. Perhaps 2006 won’t be all that different than 2005.

On this day…

2005: It’s Those Real People That Make Films British
2003: Complex Personal Publishing


I have friends who do not take part in the ‘resolutions’ game at new year. This amuses me every year because it’s a silly ritual that we go through but nobody takes it seriously. So why not just play the game with everybody? We all know you’re going to break them. I’m going to break mine and I really, really, don’t want to break them. It really doesn’t matter that you’ll break them, honestly. We won’t think any less of you because of it. Now, please, play along.

It’s pretty easy to break mine to be honest. There are only two. Diet again and exercise more. I know that at some point I will eat to excess and I’m sure I’ll find excuses to avoid the gym. Still, here we go again …

On this day…

2005: The Incredibles
2005: Shaun Of The Dead
2004: Honoured for HTML
2004: Unexpected Movie Gems
2004: 2003 In Summary
2003: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
2003: Mirror Picture