Yearly Archives: 2006

But What Was The Year?

Cover of the Teenage Kicks CDOh how I despair at all those compilation cds that are gracing my cd collection. Over the years I have collected a fair few. I think it’s something to do with being a pop fan. True pop is a three and a half minute tune mimed to some falling glitter snow surrounded by Pans People and introduced by The Hairy Cornflake. To that end, the long player was never really on my turntables as a child. Thus, my musical memories are really quite happily contained across a collection of compilations.  This is all well and good until you come to rip them all so that you can add your youth to your mp3 player. For, lo, compilation cds neither sit well on mp3 machines nor do they rip well. The artist may be in the title box while the artist is just listed as ‘various’. I can live with that (I lie, I can correct that) but I can’t stand that the dates are incorrect. No matter how many times my media player tells me JoBoxers (and their classic, Boxerbeat) is from the 2005 compilation (Teenage Kicks) I know it’s a true pop treasure from 1983 (top ten in February no less). Thus, I must spend my evenings correcting each cd as it gets ripped. My life will be over before this project is complete. My sanity will be gone sooner. But my mp3 player will know hits of 1978 are very different from those of 2002.

Get JoBokers, Essential Boxerbeat, featuring the single Boxerbeat, on mp3 at Amazon.  You can live those teenage years again scratch free. It’s one of the hits of 1983!

On this day…

2004: Million Pound Pair Move
2003: There is other news

Ten Years Of The Palm

Ten years ago, Palm, captured the imagination of road warriors everywhere with the first Pilot connected organizer, a mighty 5.7-ounce combination of calendar, contacts, to-do lists and notes. Today, having shipped more than 34 million mobile-computing products, the company continues to improve the lives of people and businesses the world over, staying true to one guiding vision: The future of personal computing is mobile computing [Source: Palm Celebrates 10-year Anniversary of the Pilot]

On this day…

2004: Where Was The Colosseum?
2003: Don’t Hide Your TrackBack

Links for 25 March 2006

My Delicious link today is a piece by Paul Graham on doing what you love. Is it possible?

To do something well you have to like it. That idea is not exactly novel. We’ve got it down to four words: “Do what you love.” But it’s not enough just to tell people that. Doing what you love is complicated.

On this day…

2003: A New World Order

Helsinki, February 2006

Helsinki, February 2006 - It's cold here in Helsinki. There are people laughing at the tourist taking pictures. They're not laughing at the picture taking but at the fact that one minute with a hand outside of a glove is painfully cold.Helsinki, February 2006: I have to admit that it is colder here than I thought it would be. It was below freezing last week in Oslo but not this cold. I took my gloves off to take a couple of these pictures and the cold became quite painful. I am certain that the locals would have been laughing. Still, the hotel is warm and the restaurant is quite good here so I will have no need to leave this evening.

I recall that on a previous occasion that I was here it was also snowing but that was April and it wasn’t like this. It’s interesting to note that many of the Flickr pictures of Helsinki right now are taken inside – can’t say I blame them. But there are some great ones of the snow.

Previously on Helsinki:

On this day…

2004: South London Jazz
2003: Daredevil
2003: New Host

Removing Ice From The Plane

Removing Ice From The Plane - As we pulled up to the gate in Helsinki, the plane next to us on the stand was getting sprayed to remove the ice. It's cold here.Removing Ice From The Plane: I know I am very quiet at the moment. You’re wise to check the Flickr feed to see where I am. I am busy but enjoying it. It feels like I have been travelling for work for a good few weeks now and, even though I am not away every day, it will be good to get back to a more regular life in London. While I enjoying seeing all the places you can get a little bit tired of hotel rooms that all merge into each other and I miss being able to go out with friends in the evenings. Still, I expense the beer here so it’s not all bad, is it?

On this day…

2003: On Hold

Free Hair Extensions

I really shouldn’t talk about Celebrity Big Brother. I am not intersted at all. Although I do have to say that I was with Tom on the subject of Preston winning (if my mum is reading this then Preston is a person and not the place). Anyway, he didn’t win which may just turn out to be the crime of the century. On the other hand a non-Celebrity, Chantelle, did win (which, at least, stopped Barrymore from taking the crown – although I think he will try). Obviously, readers of this site are interested in the finer points of her win (or should I say ‘hair win’). Over at Man of The Moment, Julie-Anne wants to offer Chantelle ‘a free set of hair extensions … he ones she has are dreadful’. ‘Nuff said.

On this day…

2008: Boston Legal Series 4 Starts Thursday (but you wouldn’t know it)
2004: Integrity in Public Life
2004: Favourite Photography

Happy Birthday

mark owen shirtlessIf I am not mistaken, today is Mark Owen’s birthday. He released a new single earlier this month, Hail Mary, from the album How The Mighty Fall. Want to wish Mark a Happy Birthday or congratulate him on the news that he will be a father in the summer [news here] then hope over to Man of the Moment and leave us a comment.

Now that the boys are approaching 30 I wonder how they will cope with the stresses of the new tour? Surely, being a boyband hearthrob is a young man’s game. I would have thought so.

On this day…

2003: Selfish Commuters