When other people write things better than you should you not write about them? Should you give up altogether, or should you plough on, regardless? And if this is your only dilemma very late on a Saturday night then should you worry about it at all, and shouldn’t you go to bed?
This is the position I find myself in after having returned from seeing Brokeback Mountain. Tom wrote about it very well yesterday, and let’s face it, approximately half the known world has an opinion on it (that’s a scientific fact, honestly, it is).
Suffice to say that it’s a marvellous film and you should go and see it at once.
On this day…
- 2006: Gotta Go Back In Time
- 2005: 2004 In 100 Pictures
- 2004: Hello Dermot and Mark Fans
- 2004: Oops, She Did It
- 2003: Jeremy Vine
- 2003: Poison Find
- 2003: A Blog?