Yearly Archives: 2005

Two Minutes Silence

Just before 12 noon today my colleagues and I walked onto the London street outside the Holborn office where we work. It was a bright, hot sunny day in Central London. The kind of day that has you sweating within moments of being on the street. When we reached street level we walked into a crowd of people that had come from the buildings all around. These were office workers whose desks are probably just metres from mine but I don’t see them. I probably walk past them most days as I approach the door to the office but I just don’t see them. Today, we stood crowded onto the street together.

At 12 noon the bus turning the corner in front us stopped and the driver turned the engine off, right across the junction. The taxi at the traffic lights opposite didn’t move when the light turned green and the cyclist near him didn’t try and jump the red light. Most of the pedestrians who were walking stopped.

A silence descended upon London. Not the silence usually associated with a city. A city’s silence is usually punctuated by horns and alarms, by mobile ‘phones ringing or engines passing. No, this silence was eerily silent but it was silent.

And we bowed our heads to remember.

It was a moment when this huge, diverse city that I call home was united in thought. It’s a moment I don’t think anybody who was there will forget.

On this day…

2003: 1789 And All That
2003: Wind Power
2003: Power of the Idea
2002: Number One
2002: Ask Homer (and remember HotWired)


While I am sat in my tent at Silverstone eating all the junk food that a place like this can supply – and that’s quite a lot – I need to remind myself to go back to my good ways of eating and exercise that enabled me to lose lots of weight over the last 18 months. I must discipline myself and, of course, you are a vital part. As my gym buddy I pass all the responsibility to you. I must stay away from the 15 bags of crisp a-day diet. Let the 1.5 inch gall stones that nearly killed her be a lesson to us all.

On this day…

2006: Bye Bye Juan Pablo
2006: And We’re Back
2004: My Data
2002: I Like Yahoo!

London, Monday

I am back from my Silverstone trip – of which more later – and in to work today. As I was not in town on Thursday I can’t really talk about what it was like in the aftermath of the bomb blasts. It was strange hearing the news emerge on the radio as I was sat in my house answering work-related emails. Of course, there were moments where I connected with the people I know in a bid to check they were all OK. I have, however, felt odd all weekend answering the text messages (and today the emails) from people asking if I am OK. I am very grateful that people thought to contact me – and so I hope I’ve replied to everybody – and happy to report I am safe.

Central London has an estimated population of 7 million people – with many more commuting to work here – so the real chances of being involved are minimal. I almost feel guilty that I don’t have anything to add for the people who contacted me. I was well away from anything and, if I had been in the office on Thursday, I would also have been well away. I am most definitely with Anna on this topic. I wasn’t there. It is unlikely I would have been there. I feel incredibly lucky not to have been anywhere near but I wasn’t.

There has been some excellent coverage across all media but one thing has really intrigued me. If you had been on an underground train and there was an explosion would you have got out your mobile ‘phone and taken pictures or video? I can say with certainty that I would not have done so because I forget to take mobile pictures at good times never mind in times of chaos. I’m not critical – I understand the police are appealing for people’s pictures – but I am amazed that people thought to do it.

On this day…

2003: Summertime in Paris
2002: 497

The Mood Of London Changes

Of course the day has now changed totally. For those friends of mine who have contacted me, thanks for your thoughts. We are both fine right now but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get me on the mobile as the services are deluged with people trying to contact people. BBC News has the latest.

On this day…

2005: Silverstone, Here I Come
2005: On A Lighter Note
2003: Well Thank Goodness
2002: “Vent Your Pure Male Macho Juice”

Silverstone, Here I Come

My Silverstone Countdown: I’ll be leaving in a couple of hours – tent packed with a car load of food – and I’m getting pretty excited by the prospect of the whole event. Silverstone is so much fun and now David Coulthard is defending it. He ‘has hit out at Silverstone’s critics ahead of his bid to secure Red Bull’s first-ever podium finish in Sunday’s British Grand Prix’

The Scot believes the Northamptonshire circuit has been unfairly targeted by some of the sport’s leading figures.

“It has looked for several seasons now that they are desperate to get it off the calendar,” he said.


Who knows if I’ll get a chance to post but keep an eye on the Flickr feed to see any pictures I’ll be sending.

On this day…

2005: The Mood Of London Changes
2005: On A Lighter Note
2003: Well Thank Goodness
2002: “Vent Your Pure Male Macho Juice”

On A Lighter Note

cute boys in Philadelphia at the live8 concertmore cute boys in philadelphia at the live8 concertcute boys in Philadelphia at the live8 concertcute boys in Philadelphia at the live8 concert
It’s time to lighten the mood a little bit really. All this talk of Olympics and Motor Racing at Silverstone is making the site a little butcher than it should be. Thanks to Steph and Alek who pointed me to live8boys we can all enjoy the images of cute boys at the Live8 concert in Philadelphia. Making Poverty History never looked so good.

On this day…

2005: The Mood Of London Changes
2005: Silverstone, Here I Come
2003: Well Thank Goodness
2002: “Vent Your Pure Male Macho Juice”

A Few Moments Of Reflection

the olympics are coming to london!I am speechless and excited right now. I still think it would be fantastic for London but it’s also brilliant for the rest of the UK. The bid team did a brilliant job. Seb Coe‘s made himself a hero for a second time. Roll on 2012.

But this is going to encourage a lot of whinging, I know it is. Yes, people are going to whinge, we’re British, and we love whinging. Yes, some people may not think this is a worthwhile thing. But I disagree. It’s a great thing.

Elsewhere: Anna celebrates too

and in pictures … elsewhere: Awarded to the city of …

On this day…

2005: 12:46
2005: Preliminary Vote
2005: What Have You Done Today?
2005: The G8 Summitt
2004: The Day F1 Came To London
2004: Formula One Comes To Regent Street
2002: Beer

Preliminary Vote

In all the excitement I had missed the fact there was a preliminary vote and we weren’t certain of making it this far:

There are a few gasps in the press room as Madrid exits the vote, as some Spaniards at the back had earlier given some noisy support during its bid presentation. We now have the London-Paris finale that the whispers in the past few hours had indicated [source].

Aggghh … the tension.

On this day…

2005: A Few Moments Of Reflection
2005: 12:46
2005: What Have You Done Today?
2005: The G8 Summitt
2004: The Day F1 Came To London
2004: Formula One Comes To Regent Street
2002: Beer

What Have You Done Today?

I have two countdowns on the go right now. Today is the day for one of those countdowns to reach 00:00:00. Rachel Stevens and Melanie C will be performing live in Trafalgar Square later today (see here) as we wait to find out the result of the race to host the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Watch the London2012 videos and keep your fingers crossed for us. I’ll be updating later.

On this day…

2005: A Few Moments Of Reflection
2005: 12:46
2005: Preliminary Vote
2005: The G8 Summitt
2004: The Day F1 Came To London
2004: Formula One Comes To Regent Street
2002: Beer