Yearly Archives: 2005

A New Champion

Ah, Monday morning and so little time to say anything. Nevertheless, Fernando Alonso’s Formula One Championship title (he’s the youngest ever Formula One champion) can’t go without note [Alonso clinches Formula One title] nor can Christian Klien’s superb qualifying performance [ – Klien goes from zero to hero]. I preferred the later UK start time for the Grand Prix. 6pm seems like a much more sensible hour.

On this day…

2004: Lord Hill’s Mighty Tower
2002: Hot or Cold
2002: Plastic, Moi?

It’s In My Hand

Well, it’s here and I bought a copy this morning. I’ve mentioned the new look Guardian newspaper a couple of times. It’s covered well in other places too. Visually, it’s impressive. It seems contemporary yet authoritative which – I imagine – is what they wanted. The use of colour throughout a newspaper is great and the double page centre-spread picture (of the Northern Ireland riots) is a stunning use of those pages. I like the smaller G2 and was surprised to find Media Guardian is full size and not the smaller one. I also think the feel is important. It’s weighty yet managable.

I don’t buy a daily paper. If I did, The Guardian would be my paper of choice. I may even buy it more often with this format as I can read it on a train or plane without smashing my fist into the face of the person sitting next to me. For a daily commute, however, there’s just too much. On my train this morning I managed to read the front page and the first couple of G2 and then I had to get off and walk to the office. When will I read the rest?

It might not be The Guardian’s market but there must be space for something bigger than Metro but with fewer column inches than The Guardian or Independent at a reduced price.

On this day…

2004: Happy Birthday To Me
2002: Matt Damon is Jason Bourne

A New Beginning

On Friday, I mentioned that The Guardian was getting its new look tomorrow. You can follow the paper’s editors as they plan prepare tomorrow’s paper at The Editors’ Weblog that has launched on the site.

In tomorrow’s sport section I hope they cover Formula One in some detail. It’s been announced that Red Bull Racing will take over the Minardi team from November. Minardi’s boss, Paul Stoddart, told BBC News,

Small privateer teams are probably phasing themselves out … it’s hard to imagine a truly privateer team can break into F1 again

I think that’s sad for the sport really but the who really has got that much money?

On this day…

2007: Green Before Her Time
2006: Red Bull part company with Klien
2004: Fish For Me
2002: Still The Same Bart
2002: A JavaScript Moment
2002: One Year On

Staying For Breakfast

BBC London might not be too happy that Jono Coleman can’t start the new breakfast show until mid-October (BBC in tug-of-war over breakfast DJ) but I have to admit I am over-the-moon. Mr Coleman is probably a fine music DJ but he’s not the one for me in a morning yet BBC London is my station! Nevertheless, even if I was a fan, JoAnne Good has been doing a fab job at breakfast and I don’t want her to go anywhere.

On this day…

2007: A Mastery Of Technology
2006: Schumacher to quit at end of year
2004: Where’s Matt’s Tongue?
2003: A Video Moment
2002: Around The World

A Giddy Schoolgirl

The new-look Guardian will have colour on every page of every section but one thing will remain the same – our reputation for supplying first class news, features and comment [Alan Rusbridger, The Guardian]

My favourite newspaper is changing. No, I don’t know what Berliner means either but that’s not a problem. No longer will I be hitting old ladies with a newspaper, or getting tangled in a iPod hub’s cable or stopping a City gent scrolling his Blackberry. Smaller, neater, lovely. Damn, it looks hot and it’s only a newspaper!

The Guardian: Berliner preview edition

On this day…

2004: Cuties At Lunch
2003: Gem
2002: Weather, Weather

Catherine Tate

I am so sad right now. The Catherine Tate show (which follows Extras on BBC2 on Thursday nights) has just come to the end of it’s pitifully short run. It’s by far the best comedy sketch show there has been for a long, long time. I love all the characters but the ‘I d’know’ couple make me laugh before they open their mouths. Foul-mouth Gran, Lauren (Am I bothered? Am I bothered though?) and Derek (How Very Dare You) just make me smile the whole time. What a shame this is ending. Please, BBC bring it back soon.

UPDATE 30 August: Amazon have the Catherine Tate Show Series One DVD on sale now.

On this day…

2003: Naked Valley Money
2002: Not Hilarious or Surprising

Let’s Google Talk

Google Talk Download PageWell, they’ve finally done it and Google Talk is a nice, clean interface. I downloaded it this morning and was impressed by file size, speed of installation and general Google-cleanness of the the interface. This is what we have come to expect. However, apart from a couple of people who I know will try this – who am I going to talk to? I have a sinking feeling that they are too late to this party which is not a great thing to think about Google at all.

The world was waiting for a Google IM client but the world hoped it would speak to other clients and not just be a nice standards complaint tool. I already have friends on all of the major IM clients and I simply don’t talk to them all because I don’t install all the right clients. I do, occasionally, use Trillian to speak to everybody but that’s not very often. I sit with my Yahoo Messenger because that’s the client most of my colleagues are on and they are the people I need to talk to most. I’d love to migrate them to this nice Google interface but I don’t think they will.

So, come on Yahoo support the standards that Google is running with then we can all choose the client we prefer not limit who we talk to. I wonder how long it will be before that happens?

UPDATE 28 Aug: I should turn comments on for this one, shouldn’t I?

UPDATE 30 Aug: Still only three people I know are on Google Talk. C’mon guys – it’s a lovely clean interface and a breeze to download.

On this day…

2004: The Hottest State
2004: Get Yer Kit Off …
2003: Summer Music
2002: Around The World

Gay Music Stars Still Stir Headline Writers

We all know there are plenty of gay folks in the music business but few of the stars feel able to come out. Stephen Gately did it a few years ago, Andrew Kinlochan did and so did Will Young. Yesterday, Mark Feehily (the quiet one in Westlife) told The Sun newspaper he was gay and that got reported all over the place. It stuns me that anybody bothers to write about this anymore (or uses the word ‘admit‘ in the headline) but I, along with plenty of other gay men in the UK, wish him well.

On this day…

2004: Technology Gets The Better Of Me
2004: Another Chart
2004: Celebrity Justice?
2002: A Haddock is A Wet Fish