Yearly Archives: 2005

Questions Answered

You know I might not agree with The Sun on many things but I really do agree with their campaign to try and save Christmas. Christmas is a fun celebration and should be kept that way. What sort of residents complain about charity Christmas lights?. According to this story it’s the grumpy residents in Rayleigh, who demanded the local council scrap a popular charity light display.

So, questions answered in The Sun: Christmas is good. Questions unanswered from work: why do some Americans have a problem with Santa Claus? Question answered today: Thanksgiving is a religious festival in origin. Questions answered from this year’s BBC Children In Need: Daniel Powter wears a hat all the time.

On this day…

No other posts on this day.

Switch Me On?

Will Young

I do like Will Young’s new single and I am not sure why. I kind of imagine that this picture might have something to do with it (but perhaps I am being unfair). According to Will is now much more comfortable with his out gay profile in the UK which is good news for him and I think for the rest of us too and he’s a lot less of an angry young man.

On this day…

2004: Evening In The City
2003: Remember, Remember (I’m A Bit Late)

Tracking The World

I wonder how the launch of Google Analytics will impact the other companies in the space? And what’s more, who knows what’s next. Nice, simple to use interface and, as it’s tied in with their advertising programs, it could be very useful to some people. Certainly saves having to explain multiple systems to people. Perhaps I’ll sign up.

On this day…

2004: Grid Lock
2003: Last Orders at the Liars’ Bar
2002: This Is How A Thriller Should Read

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Eterna lSunshine of the Spotless Mind DVD coverEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is quite cool. I often think there would be parts of my memory that it would be very convenient to erase. There are always things that we wish we had never done or said. If it’s impossible to undo those things in life it might be quite good to forget we ever did it. And Jim Carey is quite good in it.

On this day…

2004: links for 2004-11-13
2003: Thoughts on Helsinki
2002: Things That Make You Go “Huum”

1700 Tracks And Counting

How much music do I own? I have spend several days getting more of my music into my mp3 player. There are 1700+ tracks and I still seem to have a stack of CDs around. So, anyway, the plan is to store the CDs away and only use the digital music version. It’s been an interesting task so far but I don’t want to sit here for days doing it! Still, I’d forgotten how much I had and I am hearing things I haven’t heard for ages. It’s quite interesting (to me) really.

On this day…

2004: links for 2004-11-12
2003: The Trench
2003: More Time Shifts
2001: Privacy Policy

Blog Madness

Well, it’s been a while. Tonight I have spent a few hours building and rebuilding this site trying to get various parts of my Movable Type installation to work.I switched to the default templates for a few hours thinking that this might make things easier but, with hindsight, that was a very bad idea. In switching to the default templates a good selection of my settings were removed (like the way I name the archives). So, I then spent another hours or so trying out WordPress – which was very impressive and fast – but I don’t know if I have the energy to switch. I shall have to see how I feel tomorrow!

On this day…

2004: A Box That Does It All
2004: Eleven Years In The Big Smoke
2003: Gangs Of New York

Regent Street Lights 2005

Tea At The Ritz Hamleys Christmas Lights 2005Tea for two at the Ritz is fun and Regent Street lights are better than last year. If you’re following Listen To Musak you’d be wise to check out the Flickr stream occasionally as pictures can say a thousand words and, right now, I don’t have time for a thousand words.

On this day…

2004: Great London Food Market Revisited
2003: Heavenly?
2003: Do I Hear Fi?
2003: Another Month Another Man
2003: Bring A Smile
2002: Fly Accipiter, Fly

Gay Life Is More Fun: Official

After posting a couple of days worth of Flick pictures from Oslo I came across the excellent Flickr Tag Fight via the Flock vs Firefox fight. Well, there was an obvious fight that I couldn’t find so I went and tried gay vs straight and lo, look how much more exciting gay life looks! You can go and see for yourself at gay vs straight flickr tag fight.

On this day…

2004: A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To The Forum
2003: Side Bar Dermot
2003: Queer Eye?
2002: The World May Not Revolve Around Me