Yearly Archives: 2005

A World Of Hate

I’m with The Tin Man: ‘I am, by nature, a conciliator. I donÂ’t like conflict.‘ which may be because I am, in some way, frightened by conflict. It’s my nature although I wonder if I could change it. Would, somehow, confronting my fears work for me? Would I be able to fight my demons and then stand up for what I believe in?

Surely, if ever, this is the time to start standing up and saying what I believe. In Spain this week, Fr. Jose Ramon Velasco compared the proposed bill to legalise gay marriage to the beginnings of Nazi Germany:

“Back then the majority of people also backed Hitler just like the majority back this law,” he said. “I’m serious, give it time and it will destroy the moral fiber of Spain and the West.” [source]

I sit back and wonder how we got here. How can love be turned into hate so easily? When a man of the church says, “I would rather you commit suicide than have you leave Love In Action wanting to return to the gay lifestyle” [see Zach’s story] it makes you wonder about people. Not about religion or about the church just about people and how that can be inhumane to each other.

I guess Rev. John Smid (who said the above words) and The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, will never be friends. The Archbishop wants people to stop using “ghastly” language that implied people were “not human beings” because of their sexual orientation:

‘And when you use language which implies they were not human beings who are you to do that because you did not create them?’ [source]

I wonder if I am being too hopeful that his words will have any impact at all.

On this day…

2003: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
2003: My First PHP
2002: Joy and pain
2002: Not Great

Three At A Time?

I wonder if yesterday was the first time that the ‘on this day’ entry has provided me with three links at the same time?

2002 was full of links – Glastonbury and World Cup fever. The kind of thing I leave to now as tagging data is fun!

2003 had me developing my downloadable Formula One calendar. I haven’t done that this year – although I planned to. Formula One is still a big part of my summer.

And last year
I was moaning about Yahoo offering me extra mail storage and then not handing it over. Well, that was all resolved and something to do with the fact my Yahoo account pre-dates Yahoo UK and thus is – technically – a .com account but is all uk-ised by my location preferences. Understanding a user’s location but offering them the same quality of services (rather than service) is something they still haven’t got. My Firefox Yahoo tool bar, for example, is a lot more useful if I pretend I am in the US that if I am in the UK. Still, I live in hope.

On this day…

No other posts on this day.


photo originally uploaded by Blaise K ( no longer available.

Sitting in the sun this afternoon looking at some of my pictures on flickr I decided to do some random searches of the images stored over there. This one – a busy NYC bar at night – seems so far away from where I am right now and yet strangely uplifting.

On this day…

2005: Summertime In London
2004: A Little Update
2003: Formula One 2003 Race Calendar
2003: London’s Secret Railway
2002: Rod Stewart plays Glastonbury
2002: Paris in the Summer

Summertime In London

Summer in London has arrived. It’s 30+ at the moment and I have spent the day digging the garden and enjoying being outside (the thermometer is in the garden shed and it was baking in there). I’ve said before that my favourite season is autumn but a life where I can sit outside – in the warm – at 10pm would be quite appealing. You can’t argue that the sun puts you in a better mood.

Last night as I sat watching the planes in the gradually darkening sky I started to think about where all those people were heading on the trips. Were they, perhaps, heading to meet friends or for new holiday experiences? Or were they returning home? I’m not sure what it meant but I started to think of the vast size of the planet and how little I have seen of it.

And therein lies a problem. I love London and being at home. I have thoroughly enjoyed a lazy afternoon in the sunshine in the garden. But then I’d love to be off somewhere new and exciting too. Luckily, that’s why I’m travelling next Friday for three quick days in Spain.

On this day…

2005: Nightlfe
2004: A Little Update
2003: Formula One 2003 Race Calendar
2003: London’s Secret Railway
2002: Rod Stewart plays Glastonbury
2002: Paris in the Summer

links for 2005-06-18

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

On this day…

2004: Just Some Things

Mr and Mrs Smith


Friday night is warm across London so we met some friends, had tapas and headed to the flicks to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Unusually for me, I knew what it was about before I actually sank into my lovely comfortable Clapham Picture House seat and – therefore – I wasn’t surprised in either a good or bad way with this film.

The premise: Mr. & Mrs. Smith are killers for hire but they don’t know that about each other. You need to gloss over the huge holes in that, for they don’t matter. The ongoing lies each one has to tell to cover their other life as a hitman is ruining their marriage. So, they seek counselling and somewhere along the line – again, don’t worry about the detail – they end up trying to kill each other.

The lead-up to the assassination attempt(s) is essentially background filler and, thankfully, is over pretty quickly. When the penny drops – and Mr. & Mrs. Smith head to kill the other – is the point where the movie gets better. As you would imagine for such a blockbuster, the killing spree is well covered with special effects making the gun battles comic-book in style and certainly all the more enjoyable for it.

This film, however, is made by the unexpectedly witty dialogue that writer Simon Kinberg has peppered the film with. For plot details and suspense, then two deadly assassins trying to kill each other is – perhaps – better left to Robert Ludlum. A husband and wife couple doing the same and you’ll laugh along to the clever use of the dialogue which moves this film. When it really gets going, it’s great.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt keep it moving well. They are a convincing couple and have all the moves a film of this nature needs. Most importantly, they carry the dialogue convincingly as a married couple.

Don’t expect realism nor a movie that takes itself seriously. Expect a surprisingly entertaining cinema experience. The fact that some in the audience applauded at the end should suggest you give this film a chance.

On this day…

2005: links for 2005-06-17
2004: Football Crazy

links for 2005-06-17

I’ll start. Third grade talent show. I must have been eight. Me, in a blonde wig and white dress that I found on the bottom of a neighbor’s closet, looking like I mixed up the instructions by brushing the dress and ironing the wig.

The DangerMouse episodes we have all come to know and love first aired in 1981. Since then it has built an audience over 6 Million strong! And for 2 years beginning in June of 1984, he started entertaining millions more in the US on the Nickelodeon channel in the afternoons where almost overnight he shot into their highest ratings.

On this day…

2005: Mr and Mrs Smith
2004: Football Crazy

Where Are You?

OK, so I haven’t been writing quite as much as I used to. There are two reasons for that and, as I don’t have anything else to write right now, I’ll bore you with those excuses.

Firstly, I have been very busy at work. In fact, so busy I have been neglecting my diet & gym routines which is awful and means that, like The Tin Man, I am getting a gut for summer which is more than I want. This is, naturally, your fault as you are my gym buddy so, c’mon, start motivating me.

Secondly, I have been on holiday. Two weeks in Vancouver was lovely. There are picture somewhere which should be updated here eventually but that’s a daunting prospect and – let’s face it – it’s unlikely to happen. And so, we are here.

Normal service will be resumed shortly.

On this day…

2004: Throughly Modern Millie

Danny Baker Shuts Up His Tree House

So, I get back from my vacation and try to settle into my regular routine. Firstly, it’s disrupted by a strike by BBC journalists although I was amused that somebody quipped you could hardly tell and thus proving they’re over-staffed anyway.

I digress. What I came back to was the news that Danny Baker won a Sony Radio Award and promptly went on to quit his breakfast show:

The ebullient presenter is taking what the station described as “an extended summer holiday” after three years on the show, during which he will work on a film script for channel Five.

He told listeners: “We will reform and come back in another shape one day. People thought we were crying wolf … we were just crying. We’ve been saying it for a while now. We’ve been doing it for three years. We’re packing up the tree house at the end of the month.”

[The Independent]

Now that’s going to mess up my morning routine something rotten – there’s nobody else on air anything like Danny Baker. It’s not just the fact that he is the only speech-driven presenter that’s not news-based it’s because he is bloody entertaining. Ahhh. I think a paragraph from another article in The Independent says it all,

Such confidence that radio requires unique skills will always make Sony award-winning breakfast presenters highly sought after. But they have to be carefully looked after when they arrive. Getting up in the middle of the night to sound fresh at the microphone can become gruelling for even the most dynamic broadcasters. BBC London’s breakfast ace, Danny Baker, proved it with his response to Sony Awards triumph. Named DJ of the year, beating O’Connell, Baker announced his departure from the airwaves within the day. He is going to write a film script for Five. Radio executives searching the market for proven breakfast talent are hoping it flops

[The Independent]

On this day…

2004: Palme d’Or
2003: Amusing Connections in News
2003: Here We Go Again
2003: An identity crisis