Can you say ‘by ek’ on web site like this? I am not sure that it comes across very well really and, to honest, I’ve already forgotten why I wanted to say it in a northern-like accent. I am not sure if it is the previously undiscovered Google news feeds that took my breath away. Still, the fact that Google do RSS news feeds shouldn’t make me gasp, should they? Perhaps it was the irony of Sky advertising on the ITV at 50 site (they won’t be when you get back there but never mind) but I don’t think that could be it either. Maybe it was the US-centric Top 10 Dot Com Flops site which is mildly amusing but I’m certain it isn’t that either. Still, I’ll get back to you when (and if) I remember.
On this day…
2007: Better In Just 14 Days
2004: Save A Pop Idol
2004: Open House 2004
2004: Back Ache Update
2003: Oh Canada II
2002: Don’t Call Me Stupid