Yearly Archives: 2004

Commons Protest

map of the commons from bbc newsIf anybody else is planning a quick attack on parliament like yesterday’s fox hunting supporters, I suggest you consult the handy maps that seem to be attached to every news story BBC News is running on the subject!

Unrelated, Amanda was in London last weekend and this day in 2002. Maybe she likes September in London – I know I do.

On this day…

2003: Absurd reasoning on gay marriage
2002: An American in London

Trail Of Damage

In 1999 I was lucky enough to travel to Jamaica to see my father who was working there at the time. If I am honest I was not much taken by Kingston but outside of the capital it’s a very beautifully country. I will not forget the day on the speedboat cutting across the clear waters nor will I forget freshly caught lobster, cooked and eaten on the beach. This week I have been wondering what happened to these places after hurricane Ivan went on its seek and destroy mission across the Caribbean.

On this day…

2002: Racing Car

Book Eating

poster advertising a book eatingYou can’t really see this picture too clearly but the author of the book This Diary Will Change Your Life 2005 was eating the book this lunchtime at Waterstones, Piccadilly. I have no idea if he finished it or not and there was nobody buying it when I was in the shop just a photographer taking pictures. I thought it was an off was to promote a book.

On this day…

2007: Sshh. Don’t Mention It.

Fish For Me

For several months I have been trying to find a fishmonger – a good, decent purveyor of fine foods who will have fresh fish but prepare it for me on site and explain a little more about it. And today I found a great little place by Clapham South underground station: Moxons.

On this day…

2007: Green Before Her Time
2006: Red Bull part company with Klien
2005: A New Beginning
2002: Still The Same Bart
2002: A JavaScript Moment
2002: One Year On

Where’s Matt’s Tongue?

I have no real reason to post this about Matt Damon and porn apart from the fact that is amused me a great deal:

It’s difficult to tell if Damon’s tongue was firmly implanted in cheek when he spoke, but World Entertainment News Network is reporting that Matt wants to make a “character-driven” XXX flick – with dare we say it, a plot. [source]

and Steph and Alek have some great pictures. It’s probably not wise to think about it a great deal.

On this day…

2007: A Mastery Of Technology
2006: Schumacher to quit at end of year
2005: Staying For Breakfast
2003: A Video Moment
2002: Around The World

Cuties At Lunch

Really, I am not sure Steph and Alek should be allowed to post images of so many cute things. It doesn’t help when you’re catching up with their site over lunch! These images from a Counting Crows video make me want to watch music television all day just to see if it is shown or not.

On this day…

2005: A Giddy Schoolgirl
2003: Gem
2002: Weather, Weather

Another Day Gone

So I had the day off work today and had planned on doing lots of things. I did, in fact, do quite a lot but not the things I wanted to do. I wanted to work on some web site projects and other stuff that I usually don’t get time to do. Still, I upgraded this Movable Type instance to 3.11 so I can see the new features. I did – also – move it to a MySQL database rather than leaving it on the static files that it used to be on. I hope this has made it better but there will be – no doubt – be some oddities that need ironing out.

Comments now need approval unless you have a TypeKey id. This is designed to reduce the amount of spam but if I find spammers have keys I will just turn all comments to require approval.

On this day…

2002: Sunday, London