Yearly Archives: 2004

I Pressed The Button

There was an amusing news story last week about a man who pressed what he thought was a the trigger of a second world war bomb only to discover it was part from the suspension of Citroen car. I read it in a newspaper that was discarded on the underground on my way into work. As it stuck in my brain I have been telling people about it for a good week now and so, in order to share with even more of you, I’ve been off and found a link to the story at The Guardian.

On this day…

2003: Silent For A Week
2002: Sunday

Routematser Bye Bye

A London Routemaster Bus, 2004

A London Routemaster Bus, 2004

Routemasters are a fantastic icon of London and I will miss them when they are gone. Yesterday, as I sat explaining their value to a group of visiting Americans, I watched as the crowds on Piccadilly boarded them anywhere on the street. Smart and efficient. Then I watched a bendy-bus block most of Piccadilly Circus. Somebody thinks it’s progress. [Routematser Bye Bye]

On this day…

2002: Saturday

Shrewsbury Abbey at Flickr

Shrewsbury AbbeyI didn’t want this site to become a site full of my photographs but I couldn’t resist posting another one from my weekend back in Shrewsbury. This picture isn’t as good but it’s of Shrewsbury Abbey – at the bottom of Abbey Foregate just before you reach the English Bridge. I passed this place every day on my way into college as I was growing up and it’s a sight that always makes me think of being a teenager. [Shrewsbury Abbey]. Sadly, I could only find one other picture of Shrewsbury at Flickr and that turns out to be a different Shrewsbury!

On this day…

2005: I Wonder Why?
2002: Working Late (again)

Lord Hill’s Mighty Tower

Lord HillI love the colours on this picture. Although it was taken early in the morning (at least, early for a Sunday) the colours are fantastic. And what’s more it’s been taken with my Treo’s mobile camera which isn’t the greatest camera in the world. According to Shropshire Online, “Lord Hill’s Column, outside Shirehall, is one of Shrewsbury’s striking landmarks. The tallest Doric column in the world, it commemorates the First Viscount Lord Hill, who lived from 1772 to 1842.” [Lord Hill’s Mighty Tower]

On this day…

2005: A New Champion
2002: Hot or Cold
2002: Plastic, Moi?

Crazy Name, Worthy Cause

Last week Tony Blair talked a little about climate change and the environment. According to The Guardian low-carbon fuel sources are “indispensable today if we are to cushion the British economy against volatile oil and gas prices” [source]. Today I discovered that 74% of people in the UK think that wind farms are necessary to help us meet current and future energy needs. According Embrace The Wind (not sure about the name) the voices of that 74% is not being heard which is why they say it’s time to show your support and Embrace the Revolution.

On this day…

2002: Individual Portions
2002: I Have An Unbearable Feeling Of Sadness
2002: Nike 10K

Jesus Christ Superstar

james foxSo I have to take it all back about TV pop stars. Last night I went to The New Wimbledon Theatre to see the touring production of Jesus Christ Superstar. PY bought tickets for my birthday. I had heard the soundtrack as a child but never seen the musical until I was in Norway a couple of years ago when I saw it in Norwegian – which of course made little sense to me but was an amazing staging in an outdoor setting. This one was, thankfully, in English. Fame Academy star James Fox was Judas and he put in a superb performance. He was very impressive with a much more powerful voice than I thought he had the last time I saw him perform his own material.

Glenn Carter was excellent as Jesus (although it seems to have been a role he has played many times) and the rest of the cast were also very good. The only piece I found a little odd was Herod’s Song which was camped up unnecessarily but – overall – an excellent night out and worth going to see. Last night was the first night and it was sold out. I hope the rest of the run is like that as it deserves it.

On this day…

2003: Bush House, London
2002: Tired

Flick For Canada

Flickr is my photo site of choice right now. Ideally I would like to generate similar features using Gallery (which I have hosted on my site too) but I don’t yet have the time to sort all that out. So, right now, Flickr will do me very well. I am pleased to learn in their recent blog post that they are Canadian (I have such a soft spot for Canada) and – what’s more – they are based in Vancouver which is where we’re planning out holiday next year. You weren’t really interested in that were you?

On this day…

2002: South Bank. Friends from North.

Weekend In Britain’s Smallest County

image of a log on the shoreline at Rutland Water This weekend we’ve had an enjoyable weekend with some friends who live near Rutland Water which, according to Anglian Water, is one of the “largest man-made reservoirs in Europe and is located in Rutland, England’s smallest county. Set in 3,100 acres of countryside, it has a 25-mile circular track for walking and cycling”. Earlier today it was a little cloudy so I didn’t really get any great pictures but, nonetheless, it’s a place I want to head back to.

On this day…

2006: There Can’t Be A Winner In Football Unless There’s A Loser
2003: Gay Teens Right To Privacy
2002: Fast Food Nation