Monthly Archives: July 2003

Well Thank Goodness

Congestion will continue to worsen, train passenger growth is running at only one tenth of the target rate, and rail punctuality has fallen [BBC News]

Well thank goodness we’re behind target. You couldn’t get any more people on my train in a morning. Can you imagine another 10%?

On this day…

2005: The Mood Of London Changes
2005: Silverstone, Here I Come
2005: On A Lighter Note
2002: “Vent Your Pure Male Macho Juice”

He Know Where They Are

Who knows if any documents were ever sexed up by anybody. Still, it seems that – at this very moment – Tony Blair is unable to show where Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction are. I suggest he speaks with US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld who, on March 30 2003, in statements to the press said:

We know where [Iraq’s WMD] are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat. [via AlterNet]

Oh, one year ago: Last Weekend in June

On this day…

2005: Keep On Rolling
2002: Last Weekend in June