Yearly Archives: 2002

Old Friends

Bristol is only a two-hour ride from my house. I have an old friend who lives there and I haven’t seen him for ages. Today was the day we met up again (after something like 18 months without seeing each other) and it’s great when everything just slips back to the way it was. You know how, with some people, it’s hard to talk to them sometimes. You get on really well but there’s just nothing to say. Well, it usually gets worse with the passing of time and, if you haven’t seen somebody for a while, then it can be very awkward (how many strained meetings must have happened thanks to Friends Reunited?). Anyway, today wasn’t like that. We slipped into our old conversations and habits. It’s nice to be reacquainted with people. Today was a good day.

On this day…

2004: Regular Reader Celebrates
2004: Watching Me Everywhere

Confusing, Image-Saturated Culture

When did you learn about the birds and the bees? I have to be honest and say that I really don’t recall any parental talk and I am not sure how I would have felt about it – especially since I knew I was gay. Well, according to The Christian Science Monitor (obviously not something I read everyday),

 while it may seem that youths are more attuned to peers, media, and pop culture, experts and teens alike say parents are needed as role models and cultivators of values in today’s confusing, image-saturated culture

[ The Christian Science Monitor | Story ]. {Via Metafilter]

I am sure I should say some more here but I’m not sure what.

On this day…

2004: Listen To Musak August 2004
2003: Stephen is Man of the Moment

I Keep Buying Books

I went to a small thames-side seafood festival on Saturday. I had no other reason to go except that I adore seafood in all forms. I could happily give up many other foods but not seafood (and probably no bacon, but I know I am not alone in that). That, however, is not the point. There was a bookshop and I bought a book. I carried the book home and added it to the pile of books. I now have a large stack of unread books that are “to be read”. When am I going to find the time? The thing is, why do I do it? Why can’t I simply add them to my Amazon wish list and stop buying? It’s turning into an addiction!!

On this day…

2004: Digital No 1

The Joy of September

Without stating the obvious, and as a direct follow on to yesterday’s insightful comment, today is September. September is great because it signals Autumn and that’s my favourite season. I am not good in heat and sun and tend to dislike the dampness of winter. Autumn is cool and crisp without being damp and soggy. Autumn has the wonderful rustic, golden colours that work so well with a cloudless blue sky. The light will be perfect for the next two months. September, however, was always the month back to school after the long summer holiday. September is also my birthday which makes me the centre of attention for at least one day – and I hate that. I liked my birthday being in September when I was a child because it got overlooked at the start of a new term. If your birthday was in May, people started planning for it. In September, people conveniently missed it because they were talking about their holidays in the sunshine. So, I guess, September must be my favourite month – which means I was born in the right month. Twisted logic but, somehow, just right.

On this day…

2006: Technology Overkill?
2004: Long Wave Is The Home Of Hit Music
2003: Listen to Musak in August
2003: Now Reading


This is the last day of August. Why is it that time seems to go by much more quickly as you get older? Is this just an age thing? Clearly, time passes at the same rate – although I probably spend more time asleep at this point in my life (and, to the best of my knowledge, I haven’t slept for six months).

On this day…

2006: Windows Information Organiser
2004: Data Data Everywhere
2004: All The News You Need