Yearly Archives: 2002

Red Hair Hurts

Today’s New Scientist news service reports people with red hair are more sensitive to pain and consequently need more anaesthetic during operations than other patients.

There is often a story to be found in New Scientist that makes me smile – often for no obvious reason. I don’t think this one is very funny but researchers have discovered that people with red hair are more sensitive to pain. What about people with limited amounts of hair?

On this day…

2004: Looking Around
2002: America’s Fault

America’s Fault

“Before last weekend, liberal Australia felt the US had brought September 11 upon itself. But, says Clive James, the bombing in Bali has smashed that argument – and thrown his country in to the war against terror.”

An interesting and somewhat heartfelt piece in The Guardian today: Guardian Unlimited | Clive James: Don’t blame the west

On this day…

2004: Looking Around
2002: Red Hair Hurts

Shapes Made By Radio Waves

Well, according to a report in this weekend’s Observer newspaper, the Ministry Of Defence is interested in the technology that allows us all to be monitored by our mobile phones. Apparently, there are many positive uses of this ‘spy’ technology – following people on the move (walking or driving) and monitoring areas (nuclear power stations, roads etc.) when visibility is bad. Nobody seems to ask what happened if you loan you mobile ‘phone to somebody or (gasp) switch it off. Observer: How mobile phones let spies see our every move

On this day…

2005: links for 2005-10-15
2004: Less Clutter On The Air

Up Above The Streets And Houses

In case you’re wondering, my attempt to bring forth an avalanche of programmes from my childhood didn’t quite have the desired result. However, Danny Baker on BBC London this morning did spend some time talking about Rainbow (fab title sequence here). Somehow, it doesn’t seem quite so much of a spooky coincidence as the whole Fame thing.

On this day…

2004: BBC4 Should Broaden Its Appeal
2002: Awww


I was certainly right. I ached this morning. Almost every bone and several parts I didn’t really know that I had. It remains, however, a great feeling not to have spent the day indoors watching television on a wet Sunday afternoon. I tackled nature and although nature probably won in the end (watch as all my careful pruning results in a whole pile of dead plants by spring) it was a rewarding task. I don’t get to spend much time outdoors and I don’t to do much physical work. I am a desk-jockey and it probably isn’t that good for me. I never really wanted to be a desk bound. For me, sitting in an office all day has strange overtones of turning into my father. I have nothing against my Dad, I just never thought of myself as being a desk-based person but I am. I sit in front of a screen and type for most of the day. I guess that’s why I enjoyed the rain yesterday and, luckily, I don’t seem to have the cold I thought that amount of soggy clothing would bring on.

On this day…

2004: BBC4 Should Broaden Its Appeal
2002: Up Above The Streets And Houses

Starmaker, Dream Breaker

So it’s all getting a bit spooky. There I was on Friday night remembering the songs from the TV series of Fame (I preferred the TV series as it was much fluffier. Being so young, the grittiness of the film version didn’t hit me for several years) and remembering Danny as one of my childhood lust-objects (download your Danny wallpaper here).

I spent yesterday doing all the boring things you have to do around the house occasionally. Cleaning. Paying bills etc. At some point I switched on VH1 to find it was their 100 Worst Videos day. And the song I switched on to? No 62 (I think) which was Starmaker, by the Kids from Fame (OK, it would have been a better story if it was Friday Night, but still).

So let’s see if I can tempt fate – I want to see more about the following: Play School, Rainbow, Harley Hare, The Clangers, Trumpton. How spooky would it be if this actually works?

It will aid my aching bones. I’ve been in the garden all day cutting down bushes and pruning. I was outside for the grand total of seven hours and it rained for most of them. Strangely, I feel invigorated by having spent the day outdoors. No doubt I shall ache tomorrow.

On this day…

2003: Marriage Protection Week 2003
2003: Returning from Holidays

Friday Night’s Gonna Be Alright

Well in a few minutes I will, hopefully, be leaving the office. I have been here late most evenings and, to be honest, I am really looking forward to going home and sleeping. The air-conditioning in the office has been broken so we have gradually baked our way through today. I would he happy without the nonsense air-conditioning anyway, but all the windows have been sealed shut so that you can’t get any really fresh (well, fresh for London standards) air into your lungs. I have a weekend of hard, manual labour planned. I have to tame some of the wild growth in my garden. I can’t wait. Friday Night, as Danny (one of the Kids from Fame) once sang, is “gonna be alright”. I’m sure I remember that because I used to have a huge crush on Carlo Imperato.

Start shaking your hips
Baby pucker your lips
Cause I’m coming to see you soon

I must only have been about 10 years old!

Anyway, why, you may ask, do I spend ten minutes writing this? Well, our dumb systems are taking forever to do some processing and I am not going to sit here all night watching the screen!

On this day…

2004: Value From The Street


Last night I met up with some old work colleagues. I used to work with most of these guys six or seven (if not more) years ago and we’ve all remained in contact ever since. This is fantastic, especially for me as they were the first people (apart from some ex-University friends) who I met when I moved to London. We have, however, fallen into the trap of thinking we are all six or seven (if not more) years younger than we actually are and spend the evenings getting very drunk in various London drinking holes. We then wander like (drunken) startled rabbits around the West End looking for a post-closing curry. A fun, if somewhat painful, experience.

Well, not last night. Firstly, we added some extra people – friends of ex-colleagues – which made the night more interesting. Secondly, we decided to (this is all very grown up) to go out for a meal. And it was decided that we go to Belgos in Covent Garden. I had very little to do with the decision (in fact, to be honest, I never replied to that email so I have nothing to complain about) but the great thing is that I love Belgos. I’ve always enjoy the whole pots of mussels thing and make a sufficient mess to show that I have enjoyed the food.

And to add to that, there was the cutest waiter serving the table next to ours – which was all the better as he got to lean over and serve them. Ah, the joys of lust!

On this day…

2005: Sky One’s The Match
2004: Big Match Update