Monthly Archives: July 2002


497 Billionaires in the World’s Billionnaires list 13 are from the UK. And I am not there! Still it doesn’t contain the same UK people that The Times Rich List 2002 does. I wonder how they compile these lists?

Well, I decided to try and find a list of the biggest selling singles of all time. That led me to which must be the site I have been searching for all my life!

Finally, I’ve found the Top 30 Music Millionaires list [here] which is probably the most interesting list.

On this day…

2005: London, Monday
2003: Summertime in Paris

The Race

I wish I’d been at the Formula One Grand Prix on Sunday. The year I went, the atmosphere at Silverstone was fantastic (it’s all smell and noise) and, if Bernie Ecclestone gets his way we might not have too many more of them ;-( Thank goodness for Jackie Stewart’s sensible comments. I’m going to try and get there next year, assuming any of the teams are still around. Even worse, I have to do it before 2050 because, according to The Observer, that’s when the world will expire.

On this day…

2003: Mark or Dermot?

Man of the Moment FAQ

An FAQ is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about a particular topic. Here I am trying to answer some of the common questions about the recently announced Man of the Moment project which is part of this site.

What is Man of the Moment?

Man of the Moment is a fan site for some of the hottest looking men around. Every couple of months a new man is selected to be the Man of the Moment. Usually you will find that the person in question is in the news for some reason and most of the selected men are in the entertainment industry. Thus, men in the television category tend to be on a current TV show; in the music category they may have a new record out and in the film category they probably have a new film in the works.

Who selects the Man of the Moment?

Jon, of the Listen to Musak blog, selects the men featured in the Man of the Moment section. It is not a public vote yet but there are plans for people to nominate suggestions. If you have any comments on the current selection, you can leave a message in the comments section for that entry.

Why isn’t there a new entry more often?

Man of the Moment is a personal selection and the men are selected when there is something to say. There isn’t always somebody worth featuring every month.

Is is connected to the people featured?

No, Man of the Moment is created for fans but is in no way connected nor endorsed by the people featured. Most of the people are in the public eye and you will see links to other fan sites. It goes without saying that if people connected with the individuals concerned have any problems with the content of Man of the Moment they should contact us at once.

Where to the pictures come from?

The pictures are all sourced from sites on the web. We do not own the copyright on any of the images and have not scanned any material ourselves. If you feel we should not be showing some of the images, let us know and we will remove them.

Why aren’t there more pictures?

Man of the Moment is not designed to be a gallery or image collection, there are plenty of them on the web. The images are only there to show you who the people we are talking about are (and why they’ve been selected). Most of the entries have links to other online image galleries (however those links are not connected to Man of the Moment).

So it’s quite shameless then?

Of course. The idea behind the project came from the fact that the Listen to Musak blog talks a great deal about these people – the music, films or television programmes that feature the men concerned. It was originally designed to provide me with some content to allow me to experiment with multiple content generation tools and to provide me with some traffic to look at web analytic software. It also enables me to evaluate search engine/keyword marketing: all things that I have needed to do in my professional life but wanted a more personal environment to look into these things if I was going to do it for fun. I wrote a little more about that here.

What’s this Listen to Musak?

Listen to Musak is my personal area on the internet – it’s a piece of personal publishing – something I think the internet is ideally suited to. Click here to see Listen to Musak content or click here for the Listen to Musak FAQ.

You spell funny!

The blog is written by somebody from England so I use the British spellings of words.

Tell me more?

Leave a comment in the comment sections if you want to know more.


The site has a privacy and ratings statement. Please refer to it if you have any concerns.

On this day…

2002: What is Man of the Moment?
2002: Is this me?

What is Man of the Moment?

I have been writing online since 1993/4. I started off on bulletin boards and later moved into the realms of HTML. I used the name Musak on Monochrome back in 1993. I have always believed in the power of personal publishing to add to our society; maybe even to add to the power of democracy.

In the period since then, I have experimented with various sites but it wasn’t until Movable Type that I was able to easily manage a great deal of content and this site became, what is known as, a blog.

I have been involved in the development of several sites of the years (some large, some small) but it is only now that there is the software easily available to bring the content management of the larger sites to the smaller ones. Although this site is a useful creative outlet for me personally, it is also a little playground to allow me to look into the capabilities of the software (web log analysis, referral logs and content management to name but a few).

I have been looking for a way to experiment with combining several instances of Movable Type but, for the life of me, I have been trying to find something. And today I have launched Man of the Moment – which is using another Movable Type weblog to create and I am trying to integrate some of it into this site.

Man of the Moment is, therefore, a technical experiment and may not last very long. Of course, if is also a shameless way to get pictures of good looking men on the site. I suspect the quality of the men may determine how long I keep it going! So get a look while it lasts!

On this day…

2002: Man of the Moment FAQ
2002: Is this me?


I have to admit to the occasional pint of London Pride beer. I have been very close to many pints. Just never this close [MetaFilter pointed me here].

On this day…

2005: A Few Moments Of Reflection
2005: 12:46
2005: Preliminary Vote
2005: What Have You Done Today?
2005: The G8 Summitt
2004: The Day F1 Came To London
2004: Formula One Comes To Regent Street

Cows & Clothes

It happens to me every day: A cow ended up in a garden swimming pool after bolting while being taken to new pastures [Ananova].

Go on, you know you want to. Google It!

And if that wasn’t enough, you’ve got to beware. Casual dress, apparently, means a causal slapdash attitude to work. Even worse, they say, casual dress will bring down major international corporations and and the collapse of civilisation as we know it. Honest. [Washington Post]

On this day…

2005: The Final Push
2005: Silverstone Circuit Weather

Did They Make It Up?

I swear some news is made up: A pair of Canadian otters brought to Britain a year ago are under 24-hour guard at the National Sea-life Sanctuary, near Oban in Scotland, because of fears they will be attacked by indigenous cousins unable to understand their “foreign accents”. [Independent]

On this day…

2005: God Is Bored Of You
2005: Fleet Street editors Back the Bid
2005: Countdown is Progressing
2005: Powered By Rotting Fruit
2002: It’s All Queens on 4th July!
2002: Amazon A-Go-Go
2002: Finally – CSS